
The Politics of Social, Ecological, and Structural Determinants of Health in Canada: Book Launch on February 19, 2025

Jan 13, 2025

By CS Team

We're thrilled to announce the upcoming virtual book launch of The Politics of Social, Ecological, and Structural Determinants of Health in Canada by Elizabeth McGibbon. The virtual book launch will take place on February 19, 2025 at 2:00 pm EST. Register here.

The Politics of Social, Ecological, and Structural Determinants of Health in Canada is the first Canadian book to examine intersections of social, ecological, and structural determinants of health as the crucial pathway to tackling growing health inequities. Dennis Raphael, Professor at the York University School of Health Policy and Management and editor of the Politics of Health book series, will introduce the series and the book. Elizabeth McGibbon, Professor, Faculty of Science, St. Francis Xavier University, will talk about the genesis of the book and some of its key take-aways. Lindsay McLaren, Professor, Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary, Tari Ajadi, PhD candidate at Dalhousie University and Associate Professor, McGill University, Department of Political Science, and Ron Labonté, Professor Emeritus, School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa, will then join a discission roundtable about areas such as why they chose to endorse the book and some of the ideas that stood out for them.

Attendees will be provided with a limited-time discount code for their purchases on the Canadian Scholars website. Two lucky attendees will also be randomly selected to win a copy of The Politics of Social, Ecological, and Structural Determinants of Health in Canada.

About The Politics of Social, Ecological, and Structural Determinants of Health in Canada

The Politics of Social, Ecological, and Structural Determinants of Health in Canada

The Politics of Social, Ecological, and Structural Determinants of Health in Canada is the first Canadian book to examine intersections of social, ecological, and structural determinants of health as the crucial pathway to tackling growing health inequities in Canada.

Critical perspectives on the social and ecological determinants of health are explored using detailed and easily accessible case studies. Each chapter integrates how health and illness are rooted in social, economic, and political structures, with clear explanations of how societal power and ruling relations so strongly determine human and planetary health. Bringing together health, social, ecological, and political sciences, this text makes the case that the structural determinants of health are increasingly urgent and pivotal markers of who lives and who dies. The text also explores earth-centred policy and governance strategies to lessen and halt extreme inequities.

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