Section 1A: Introduction: The Sociological Perspective
1: The Promise, C. Wright Mills
2: In Defence of Sociology, Anthony Giddens
Section 1B: Classical Theory
3: What Is a Social Fact? Emile Durkheim
4: Manifesto of the Communist Party, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Chapter 5: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Max Weber
Section 1C: Contemporary Theory
6: Women’s Perspective as a Radical Critique of Sociology, Dorothy E. Smith
7: Power/Knowledge, Michel Foucault
8: Revisiting Gramsci, Diana Coben
9: Racial Formation in the United States, Michael Omi and Howard Winant
Section 1D: Research Methods
10: General Research Orientations, Alan Bryman, James Teevan, and Edward Bell
11: Becoming an Anti-oppressive Researcher, Karen L. Potts and Leslie Brown
Rethinking Section 1: Discussion Questions
12: Learning to Strip: The Socialization Experiences of Exotic Dancers, Jacqueline Lewis
13: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Erving Goffman
14: Private Eyes and Public Order: Policing and Surveillance in the Suppression of Animal Rights Activists in Canada, Kevin Walby and Jeffrey Monaghan
15: Woman Abuse in Canada: Sociological Reflections on the Past, Suggestions for the Future, Walter S. DeKeseredy and Molly Dragiewicz
Rethinking Section 2: Discussion Questions
Section 3A: Families
16: The Way We Weren’t: The Myth and Reality of the “Traditional” Family, Stephanie Coontz
17: Neo-liberalism, Families, and Work-Life Balance, Kate Bezanson
18: Beyond Normalization: An Analysis of Heteronormativity in Children’s Picture Books, Anika Stafford
Section 3B: The Economy and Labour
19: Just another Neoliberal Worker: Tracing the State’s Treatment of Low-Income Mothers, Margaret Hillyard Little
20: Does Citizenship Status Matter in Canadian Agriculture? Workplace Health and Safety for Migrant and Immigrant Laborers, Kerry Preibisch and Gerardo Otero
Section 3C: Education
21: Playing it Down/Playing it Up: Girls’ Strategic Negotiations of Academic Success, Rebecca Raby and Shauna Pomerantz
22: Keeping the Ivory Tower White: Discourses of Racial Domination, Carol Schick
Section 3D: Age, Health, and Health Care
23: “Old People Are Useless”: Representations of Aging on The Simpsons, Darren Blakeborough
24: Gender, Race, and Health Inequalities, Ann Pederson, Dennis Raphael, and Ellisa Johnson
25: Invisible Populations: LGBTQ People and Federal Health Policy in Canada, Nick J. Mulé and Miriam Smith
Section 3E: Media
26: “You Bring Great Masculinity and Truth”: Sexuality, Whiteness, and the Regulation of the Male Body in Motion, Jade Boyd
27: “It’s Just Drama”: Teen Perspectives on Conflict and Aggression in a Networked Era, Alice Marwick and danah boyd
Rethinking Section 3: Discussion Questions
Section 4A: Social Class
28: Building Their Readiness for Economic “Freedom”: The New Poor Law and Emancipation, Anne O’Connell
29: “Too Much of That Stuff Can’t Be Good”: Canadian Teens, Morality and Fast Food Consumption, Deborah McPail, Gwen E. Chapman, and Brenda L. Beagan
30: Class and Power: The Major Themes, John Porter
Section 4B: Gender and Sexualities
31: Our Bodies are Not Ourselves: Tranny Guys and the Racialized Class Politics of Incoherence, Jean Bobby Noble
32: Sexual Ethics and Young Women’s Accounts of Heterosexual Casual Sex, Melanie A. Beres and Panteá Farvid
33: “Real Fast and Tough”: The Construction of Canadian Hockey Masculinity, Kristi A. Allain
Section 4C: Ethnicity and Race
34: “Canadian-First”: Mixed Race Self-Identification and Canadian Belonging, Jillian Paragg
35: African-Centred Education: Situating the Tradition, George Dei and Arlo Kempf
36: “Born” Freaks, “Made” Freaks, and Media Circuses: Systemic Management of Race and Gender in the Reena Virk Case, Nicole Pietsch
Rethinking Section 4: Discussion Questions
37: Humans and Other Animals: Sociology’s Moral and Intellectual Challenge, David Nibert
38: Growing a Just Garden: Environmental Justice and the Development of a Community Garden Policy for Hamilton, Ontario, Erika S. Jermé and Sarah Wakefield
39: “A Direct Act of Resurgence, a Direct Act of Sovereignty”: Reflections on Idle No More, Indigineous Activism, and Canadian Settler Colonialism, Adam J. Barker
Rethinking Section 5: Discussion Questions
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