The Politics of Social, Ecological, and Structural Determinants of Health in Canada is the first Canadian book to examine intersections of social, ecological, and structural determinants of health as the crucial pathway to tackling growing health inequities in Canada.
Critical perspectives on the social and ecological determinants of health are explored using detailed and easily accessible case studies. Each chapter integrates how health and illness are rooted in social, economic, and political structures, with clear explanations of how societal power and ruling relations so strongly determine human and planetary health. Bringing together health, social, ecological, and political sciences, this text makes the case that the structural determinants of health are increasingly urgent and pivotal markers of who lives and who dies. The text also explores earth-centred policy and governance strategies to lessen and halt extreme inequities.
This powerful text will serve a broad scope of readers, including students and researchers in health, social, and geological sciences; practitioners and policy-makers; and people in non governmental and not-for-profit organizations.
the first text of its kind to integrate the social, ecological, and structural determinants of health together as synergistic, health-determining influences
written from the perspective of an insider and clinician in the health fields, this text integrates focused attention to the embodied nature of health damage and how it interacts with ecosystem damage
includes pedagogical features such as case studies, questions for critical thought, annotated further readings, and annotated websites of interest to guide readers in navigating root determinants of health
Introduction to the Politics of Health Series [by Dennis Raphael]
Chapter 1 How Politics are Determinants of Health
Chapter 2 Critical Policy Analysis Approaches for the Determinants of Health
Chapter 3 Critical Perspectives on the Social Determinants of Health
Chapter 4 Ecological Determinants of Health: Threats to Earth’s Life Support Systems
Chapter 5 Structural Determinants of Health: Root Cause Politics
Chapter 6 Root Determinants of Health are Complex Adaptive Systems
Chapter 7 Mobilizing for Democracy
Dr. Elizabeth McGibbon, PhD, RN, is an applied critical health social scientist and a Professor in the Faculty of Science at St. Francis Xavier University.
“McGibbon’s highly readable magnum opus provides a rich understanding of why it is important to take a critical political economy approach to advancing ‘health for all.’ More importantly, it illustrates how this can (or should) be done by continually applying a critical policy lens to a range of historic and contemporary health issues and their determinants. The book is an eye-opening treatise that should leave readers passionate and probably a little angry.”
—Ronald Labonté, Emeritus Professor, School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
“In this book, Elizabeth McGibbon names the elephant in the room: that a structural analysis of society that engages with politics and power is not something that is vaguely interesting, but rather is absolutely central to where we must focus our efforts and attention if we care about the health and well-being of all people, all living things, and our planet. I look forward to incorporating this rigorously researched and highly readable new resource into my undergraduate and graduate teaching in public health.”
—Lindsay McLaren, Professor, Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary; Research Associate, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
“This is a fantastic introduction for students and members of the public interested in the ways that our social and political context shape health outcomes at the population level. By patiently and thoroughly taking readers through the policy process as well as the outcomes of decision-making in public health from a critical perspective, Elizabeth McGibbon opens up a wealth of insights for teachers and learners to build upon in classrooms across the country.”
—Tari Ajadi, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, McGill University
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