Understanding Mental Health Across Educational Contexts provides an overview of mental health and mental health disorders from a Canadian classroom perspective. Providing definitions and current understandings of mental health challenges and disorders commonly found in K–12 classrooms, this text equips future educators with a toolbox of strategies and resources that they can use inside the classroom.
Recognition and support for students and educators struggling with mental health or a mental health disorder has been growing in demand, and this text addresses the importance of this conversation in education while focusing on the interplay of student, teacher, and family. Divided into two sections on core concepts and practical applications, this edited collection covers topics such as mental health disorders frequently encountered within school settings and their relationships with academic achievement, technology, neurodiversity, and career development; Indigenous, queer, and anti-racist practice and praxis; educator mental health and wellness; trauma-informed teaching; and creating mentally healthy classrooms.
This essential text is foundational for future educators and those in courses covering child and youth care, exceptional learners, early childhood education, or social work. Courses covering mental health, counselling, or psychology will also find value in this reference guide for common challenges faced by young people or families.
rich in case studies and discussion questions that help students learn through real-world scenarios and practical applications
provides educators with a robust toolbox of strategies and resources at their disposal
written for future educators, this guide applies a wellness lens to student well-being in and out of the classroom
Introduction Understanding Mental Health, Mental Health Disorders, and Mental Health Literacy
Lindsey Jaber
Part I: Considerations for Mental Health and Wellness in Schools
Chapter 1 Our Ancestors and Mental Health: Engaging in Meaningful Dialogue on Mental Health and Well-Being from Indigenous Knowledge Sources
Stanley “Bobby” Henry and Amy Shawanda
Chapter 2 Queering the Canadian Classroom
Kevin Prada and Danielle de Moissac
Chapter 3 From Interest Convergence to Dismantling Anti-Black Racism in Education: The Edification of a Teaching Praxis
Marium Tolson-Murtty
Chapter 4 Centring Educator Mental Health and Wellness in Education
Lindsey Jaber
Chapter 5 Mental Health Circle of Support: Students, Families, and Educators Working Together
Jennifer Cordeiro and Lindsey Jaber
Chapter 6 Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Mental Health: A Neuropsychological Perspective
Cory Saunders and Lindsey Jaber
Chapter 7 ADHD and ASD: How Understanding Neurological Underpinnings Can Help Mediate Classroom Challenges
Harriet Greenstone
Chapter 8 Mental Health Challenges and Disorders Commonly Encountered in School Settings
Lindsey Jaber
Part II: Practical Applications
Chapter 9 Relationships Between Academic Achievement and Mental Health: They Both Matter
Gabrielle Wilcox
Chapter 10 Incorporating Trauma-Informed Pedagogy in the Classroom
Jennifer Cordeiro
Chapter 11 Technology and Mental Health: Classroom Considerations
Lorraine C. Beaudin, Alison C. Grigg, and Sydney Gelineau-Olay
Chapter 12 Getting Gritty: Resilience, Grit, and Growth Mindset in Teacher Mental Health
Wendy Barber and William Walters
Chapter 13 Career Development as an Inclusive Approach to Mental Health Promotion in Schools: A Culturally Responsive Teacher-Delivered Program
Krista D. Socholotiuk, José F. Domene, Kris Magnusson, Caileigh Kind, and Nikolina Rikert
Chapter 14 Welcoming the Weird and Wonderful: Creating Classroom Environments That Support Neurodiversity
Jennifer Slagus and Adrienne Kitchin
Chapter 15 Promoting Mental Health and Wellness in Educational Contexts
Nancy Norman and Lindsey Jaber
Appendix: Mental Health Resources in Canada
Contributor Biographies
Lindsey Jaber is an Associate Professor of Educational Psychology in the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor. Dr. Jaber is also a registered psychologist in the areas of school, clinical, and counselling psychology with the College of Psychologists of Ontario.
“Today’s classrooms are complex with students varying along multiple dimensions, such as their mental health and their academic and learning profiles. Understanding Mental Health Across Educational Contexts provides a strong conceptual foundation that educators can draw on to support all learners with effective, research-informed strategies. With a focus on practical applications in the classroom and creating classrooms that promote mental health and wellness, this text is comprehensive and a much-needed resource for educators to foster responsiveness to students in our classrooms.”
—Colin King, PhD, C. Psych, Director, Mary J. Wright Child and Youth Development Clinic, and Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Western University
“This book is a refreshing invitation for educators to move from doing culturally responsive pedagogy to embodying a culturally responsive identity. The text calls for educators to take a stance of justice and curiosity to promote student success from an intersectional and wellness approach, while providing pragmatic and relevant tools for how to do so. A must-read for new and experienced educators alike who are positioned to respond to the current realities and mental health needs within educational settings.”
—Tanya Surette, PhD, R. Psych, CCC, CCS, Associate Professor and Program Coordinator, MEd in Counselling Program, School of Education, Acadia University
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