Literary Studies


Filling a gap in literature and fulfilling the need for trans-focused work, TransNarratives is an interdisciplinary collection featuring narratives of transgender experiences, providing a sourcebook of a range of trans perspectives, writing styles, and trans methodological fields of applicability. The works included transcend disciplinary boundaries in the pursuit of academic knowledge and creativity, actively deconstructing binaries wherever they begin to appear, whether with regard to gender, race, ability, or sexuality, or to the binary divisions that can sometimes separate academic and creative production. Calling attention to transgender writers, this unique and timely text showcases a wide variety of material, including scholarship from multi- and interdisciplinary transgender perspectives, poetry and fiction that foregrounds trans experience, and first-person transgender narratives. The essays, poems, and stories cover a range of topics relevant to transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary experiences, across time, geographic location, and cultures. An important addition to the field, this groundbreaking text will serve as an essential collection of works for students and researchers in transgender studies, queer studies, and gender studies. FEATURES
  • provides accessible, thematically wide-ranging, and stylistically diverse writings, including scholarship from multi- and interdisciplinary transgender perspectives
  • includes multi-generational perspectives and non-able-bodied subjectivities
  • uniquely formatted to support a dialogue between creative and scholarly work

Academic Writing, Third Edition

The challenges of teaching and learning academic-level writing may be greater than ever before due to the prevalence of writing practices in social media and the growing internationalization of post-secondary education. The authors of Academic Writing use discipline-based research papers to discuss preliminary steps such as research, note-taking, summarizing, and drafting a proposal. They trace the development of scholarly papers through introductions, core paragraphs, and conclusions, and they close with essential chapters on writing in the sciences, and revision and proofreading. In its third edition, Academic Writing now offers chapter learning objectives, annotated passages that illustrate aspects of academic style, and a glossary. Furthermore, every chapter ends with articles that can be used for stylistic analysis. These rich pedagogical features accompanied by the authors’ clear step-by-step instructions make this book an ideal guide for all students who want to improve their academic writing skills. FEATURES:
  • for both students and teachers: full-length research papers written by published scholars and by students
  • for instructors: a complete supplementary package that contains PowerPoint slides, an exam bank, and ideas for student activities

Bobbi Lee Indian Rebel

Lee Maracle’s Bobbi Lee Indian Rebel tells the narrative of an Indigenous woman raised in North America who finds her strength despite the forces that challenge and oppress her. Grippingly honest, Lee’s autobiographical exploration of post-colonial tensions in Toronto circa 1960-1980 sheds light on the existing racist and sexist sentiments affecting Indigenous women. Reflective of the struggles Indigenous communities face today, this book continues to hold a place within contemporary Indigenous and women’s studies classrooms. New and updated, this edition features a preface by Lee Maracle.

Ravensong - A Novel

Set along the Pacific Northwest Coast in the 1950s, Ravensong tells the story of an urban Native community devastated by an influenza epidemic. Stacey, a 17-year-old Native girl, struggles with the clash between white society’s values and her family’s traditional ways, knowing that her future lies somewhere in between. Celia, her sister, has visions from the past, while Raven warns of an impending catastrophe before the two cultures reconcile. In this passionate story about a young woman’s quest for answers, author Lee Maracle speaks unflinchingly of the gulf between two cultures: a gulf that Raven says must be bridged. Ravensong is a moving drama that includes elements of prophecy, mythology, cultural critique, and humour. Featuring a preface by Lee Maracle and cover art by Métis artist Christi Belcourt, this revitalized edition is ideal for use in Literature and Gender and Women’s Studies programs. If you liked Ravensong, check out Lee Maracle's autobiographical exploration of finding strength as an Indigenous woman amidst the post-colonial tensions of growing up in 1960's Toronto in Bobbi Lee Indian Rebel.
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If you are interested in publishing in the area of Literary Studies, please reach out to senior acquisitions editor Emma Melnyk to get the conversation started.

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