Home > Virtual Book Launch: Body Studies in Canada
Virtual Book Launch: Body Studies in Canada
Jul 09, 2021
By CS Team
Join Canadian Scholars for a virtual launch in celebration of the publication of Body Studies in Canada, on July 29, 2021 at 3:00 pm EST!Click here to register.
Register to sit in on a round table discussion with editor Dr. Valerie Zawilski, joined by expected panelists Tamara Bernard, Dr. Lois Kamenitz, Dr. Margaret MacNeill, Dr. Debra Kriger, Dr. Judith Mintz, Dr. Kelsey Harvey, Dr. Bahar Tajrobehkar, Dr. Mark Norman, Donna Lynn Smith, and Megan Aiken
How do we perceive ourselves and our bodies in relation to our physical, geographical, social, cultural, political, psychological, and spiritual environments? Body Studies in Canada uses intersectional methodological and theoretical frameworks to discuss the political and socio-historical discourses that shape body studies in Canadian society.
Bringing together scholars from a wide variety of disciplines and expertise to provide an interdisciplinary perspective on how the body interacts reflexively with society, the book delves into a variety of timely topics including postcolonial “othering” of the body; social discourses around healthy and un-healthy bodies; intersections of aging, gender, race, class, and size; the fitness industries’ promotion of the “ideal” body; the gendering of bodywork symbols and expressions in carceral environments; and self-awareness of “the body” in social and digital media.
We'll be giving away two copies of the book and providing a 20% discount code available to all attendees, valid on canadianscholars.com June 29 - July 2, 2021.
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