Debating Health Care Ethics, Third Edition explores contemporary moral challenges in health care through a unique debate format, providing students with the essential tools to understand and critically evaluate the leading arguments in the field and to develop their own arguments on important moral problems in health care. The first three chapters explore the nature of arguments, philosophical methodology, and a range of leading normative ethical theories. The remaining chapters introduce students to moral problems in health care through dramas that feature complex scenarios involving patients, family members, and health care providers. Each drama is followed by a lively debate where the authors consider and evaluate rival arguments concerning the moral issues raised by the drama. The dramas encourage students to start thinking about ethical issues in health care. The debates then demonstrate how arguments are developed and criticized. These debates also encourage students to develop and defend their own arguments on these topics. This technique is more interactive and approachable than standard philosophical texts.
This third edition contains updated chapters and dramas that reflect recent changes in health care in Canada. One such change is to the chapter on euthanasia, which now includes a drama and a debate centred on the morality of legalizing Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). Other changes to the text are in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. These include updated chapters on the proper rules for prioritizing care in emergency situations (triage) and the moral limits of medical doctors’ administering unproven, alternative medications to patients who request them. The third edition also contains a drama and debate on autonomy and valid consent, and a drama and updated debate on the justice of a two-tier health care system, where one level of health care is available to all regardless of means, and another level of faster health care is available only to those with means.
Discussions of critical issues in health care from a Canadian perspective, while also examining the implications of international changes, such as the dissolution of Roe v. Wade in the United States
Provides students with the necessary background in arguments, philosophical methodology, and normative ethical theory
Real-life cases helping students to critically engage with important moral arguments and problems in health care
Pedagogically rich with learning objectives and review questions for each chapter, definition, background, technique, theory, and “up for discussion” questions boxes, along with new case boxes highlighting contemporary real-world examples of the issues
Instructor resources are available to ensure a smooth initial adoption of the text
Offering a compendium of case studies in bioethics, Choosing Well demonstrates real ethical dilemmas that can occur in health care settings. Instructors can draw upon the scenarios in this concise and highly effective resource to encourage analysis, critique, discussion, and debate of hot-button ethical issues.
The authors present a diverse selection of complex case studies in bioethics to stimulate in-depth analysis on topics ranging from distributive justice, research ethics, reproductive technologies, abortion, and death and dying, to the health care professional–patient relationship and ethics in the workplace. The text also features case studies that move through time to reflect real-life decision making and cases that present multiple perspectives to illustrate the challenges that can arise from disputes in health care settings. Utilizing the DECIDED strategy for analyzing case studies, instructors can guide students through the steps needed to work through a wide variety of ethical dilemmas and encourage reflection on their own ethical assumptions.
Accessible, practical, and highly engaging, Choosing Well offers a helpful and interesting way to explore central issues in contemporary bioethics, making it an indispensable resource for instructors and students of bioethics, biomedical ethics, and health care ethics.
includes a brief introduction to ethics, the role of case studies, and some of the most important bioethical principles, as well as a glossary of key terms
features Canadian-focused content and themes reflecting the challenges of modern health care settings
provides a framework for case study analysis, along with sample analyses of three full case studies using the DECIDED approach
A unique text to the field, Doing Ethics in Child and Youth Care serves as an essential introductory guide to ethical practice across a range of child and youth care settings within North America. In addition to providing an overview of the Standards for Practice of North American Child and Youth Care Professionals, with the full version included in an appendix, the text offers a practical and engaging introduction and explores the theoretical under-pinnings and field-specific application of ethics.
Organized into three parts, this volume begins by introducing the code of ethics for child and youth care professionals in North America as well as the ethical theories and the foundational skills to “do ethics,” including cultural humility, reflexivity, and ethical problem solving. The second part moves on to orient readers to a broad range of considerations for adopting an ethical stance, such as boundary management, responsibilities to the profession, community development and youth participation, and Indigenous perspectives on child and youth care ethics. Part three features some of the different settings in which child and youth care is practised in North America, such as substitute care, family work, intervention in schools, social media, research, and ethics training and supervision, and examines the unique ethical challenges in each of these settings.
With contributions from leading child and youth care scholars in Canada and the United States, this is a must-read for students and professional training programs in child and youth care, child and youth studies, and youth work across North America.
contributions from researchers, practitioners, and scholars from Canada and the United States
practice examples and reflective exercises to engage readers in developing an approach to ethical practice across a range of child and youth care settings
appendices containing the full Standards for Practice of North American Child and Youth Care Professionals and a list of resources for ethical dilemmas and case studies to practise doing ethics
Now in its third edition, Bioethics in Canada: A Philosophical Introduction offers a comprehensive overview of the philosophical, historical, and medical concepts shaping contemporary debates on biomedical issues. The text opens with an introduction to moral theory and bioethical principles, followed by application of these theories and principles to real world ethical conflicts involving abortion, distributive justice, genetics, reproductive technology, and other vital topics. A landmark case opens each chapter, illuminating the many issues involved in these debates, as well as the philosophical assumptions that shape them.
Thoroughly updated to reflect recent political, medical, and cultural changes, this third edition features new sections on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), the moral philosophy of liberalism in bioethics, the Mad movement, CRISPR and gene editing, and expanded content on mental health, rural and remote communities, and codes of conduct and codes of ethics.
Accessibly written with newly added case studies in the health care workplace, this text is an insightful resource for courses in the disciplines of philosophy, health studies, medicine, and nursing, providing a strong ethical foundation in an ever-changing field.
Canadian-focused content, case study scenarios, questions for critical thought, and recommended website lists in each chapter
interesting legal cases and relevant current events that highlight the real world application of bioethical theories and arguments
If you are interested in publishing in the area of Philosophy, please reach out to associate acquisitions editor James Bader to get the conversation started.
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