Transformative Change through Educational Leadership

Stories, Models, and Wonderings

By Kenneth H. MacKinnon


Transformative Change through Educational Leadership explores educational leadership with an emphasis on social justice. This text invites those in positions of leadership to re-imagine institutional standards, responsibilities, and leadership methodology through an equity-focused, anti-oppressive, and anti-colonial lens.

Diverse leaders and education experts from across Canada share their lived experiences, stories, models, and wonderings of the challenges that educational leaders face, including Indigenous, queer, and Afrocentric perspectives. The chapters delve into the critical question of what it takes to be a successful leader and offer practical strategies on various aspects of the school leader role, such as building relationships, centring student needs, connecting with the community and parents and caregivers, and supporting wellness and well-being.

This essential volume is well suited for undergraduate and graduate courses on educational leadership including courses focusing on diversity in leadership, leading for social justice, principles and processes of educational leadership, and education leadership for transformation.


  • an emphasis on how our identities inform the way we lead, from diverse perspectives from across the country
  • alignment with leadership and principalship standards and competencies in Canada
  • includes pedagogical features such as section introductions, additional resources at the end of select chapters for further discussion and application, end-of-chapter discussion questions, and an index


$74.95 (PRINT)
$69.95 (eBook – Fixed Layout)
$69.95 (eBook – Reflowable)

Number of Pages



6.75" x 9.75”

Print ISBN


eBook – Fixed Layout ISBN


eBook – Reflowable ISBN



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