New Titles
Work and Labour in Canada, Fourth Edition
Critical Issues
By Mark P. Thomas, Adam D.K. King, Andrew Jackson
Geography / Labour Studies / Political Science / Sociology / Sociology of Work and Labour
Social Determinants of Health, Fourth Edition
Canadian Perspectives
By Dennis Raphael
Health Studies / Nursing / Social Determinants of Health / Social Work / Sociology
Indigenous Research Design
Transnational Perspectives in Practice
By Elizabeth Sumida Huaman, Nathan D. Martin
442 PagesEducation / Indigenous Studies / Indigenous Research / Indigenous Social Work / Research Theory and Methods / Social Work / Sociology
Crime, Deviance, and Social Control in the 21st Century
A Justice and Rights Perspective
By Claudio Colaguori
442 PagesCriminology and Police Studies / Deviance / Justice Studies / Sociology of Crime and Justice
Queerly Canadian, Second Edition
An Introductory Reader in Sexuality Studies
By Scott Rayter, Laine Halpern Zisman
724 PagesCanadian Studies / Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies / Sexual Diversity / Trans Studies / History / Sociology / Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies
Gender and Women’s Studies, Second Edition
Critical Terrain
By Margaret Hobbs, Carla Rice
780 PagesGender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies / Feminist Theory and Politics / Race, Ethnicity, and Marginality / Sexual Diversity / Trans Studies / Sociology / Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
Gender, Sex, and Tech!
An Intersectional Feminist Guide
By Jennifer Jill Fellows, Lisa Smith
315 PagesCommunication and Cultural Studies / Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies / Science / Sociology / Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
Scholarly and Creative Works on Transgender Experience
By Kristi Carter, James Brunton
372 PagesGender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies / Literary Studies / Sexual Diversity / Sociology / Sociology of Gender and Sexuality / Trans Studies
Body Studies in Canada
Critical Approaches to Embodied Experiences
By Valerie Zawilski
296 PagesCommunication and Cultural Studies / Health Studies / Political Science / Sociology / Sociology of Gender and Sexuality / Sociology of Health
Gendered Bodies and Public Scrutiny
Women’s Stories of Staring, Strangers, and Fierce Resistance
By Victoria Kannen
164 PagesCommunication and Cultural Studies / Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies / Feminist Theory and Politics / Sociology / Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
Teaching about Gender Diversity
Teacher-Tested Lesson Plans for K–12 Classrooms
By Susan W. Woolley, Lee Airton
334 PagesEducation / Gender, Equity, Diversity / Health Studies / Gender / Social Work / Professional Practice
Health Studies
Social Determinants of Health, Fourth Edition
Canadian Perspectives
By Dennis Raphael
Health Studies / Nursing / Social Determinants of Health / Social Work / Sociology
Social Determinants of Health, Third Edition
Canadian Perspectives
By Dennis Raphael
648 PagesHealth Studies / Health Policy / Nursing / Social Determinants of Health / Social Work / Addictions, Health, and Mental Health / Sociology / Sociology of Health / Sociology of Media
Poverty, Mental Health, and Social Inclusion
By Cheryl Forchuk, Rick Csiernik
372 PagesHealth Studies / Health Policy / Mental Health and Addictions / Social Work / Sociology / Sociology of Family
Poverty in Canada, Third Edition
Implications for Health and Quality of Life
By Dennis Raphael
534 PagesCanadian Studies / Health Studies / Health Promotion / Social Determinants of Health / Political Science / Sociology / Sociology of Health
The Politics of Health in the Canadian Welfare State
By Toba Bryant, Dennis Raphael
226 PagesCanadian Studies / Health Studies / Health Policy / Health Promotion / Nursing / Social Determinants of Health / Political Science / Sociology / Sociology of Health
Sociology of Family
Family Matters, Fourth Edition
An Introduction to Family Sociology in Canada
By Barbara A. Mitchell
542 PagesSociology / Sociology of Family
Poverty, Mental Health, and Social Inclusion
By Cheryl Forchuk, Rick Csiernik
372 PagesHealth Studies / Health Policy / Mental Health and Addictions / Social Work / Sociology / Sociology of Family
The Sociology of Childhood and Youth in Canada
By Xiaobei Chen, Rebecca Raby, Patrizia Albanese
438 PagesChild and Youth / Early Childhood Education / Sociology / Sociology of Education / Sociology of Family / Sociology of Youth
Sociology of Home
Belonging, Community, and Place in the Canadian Context
By Gillian Anderson, Joseph G. Moore, Laura Suski
234 PagesSocial Work / Community Development / Sociology / Sociology of Family
Who’s Your Daddy
And Other Writings on Queer Parenting
By Rachel Epstein
328 PagesChild and Youth / Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies / Motherhood and Parenting / Sexual Diversity / Sociology / Sociology of Family
Power and Oppression
By Andrea O’Reilly, Marie Porter, Patricia Short
300 PagesGender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies / Motherhood and Parenting / Sexual Diversity / Sociology / Sociology of Family
Violence in the Family
Social Work Readings and Research from Northern and Rural Canada
By Keith Brownlee, John Graham
183 PagesGender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies / Woman Abuse / Social Work / Counselling / Professional Practice / Woman Abuse and Domestic Violence / Sociology / Sociology of Family
Sociology of Work and Labour
Work and Labour in Canada, Fourth Edition
Critical Issues
By Mark P. Thomas, Adam D.K. King, Andrew Jackson
Geography / Labour Studies / Political Science / Sociology / Sociology of Work and Labour
Work and Labour in Canada, Third Edition
Critical Issues
By Andrew Jackson, Mark P. Thomas
366 PagesHistory / Social Movements / Labour Studies / Sociology / Sociology of Work and Labour
Working Women in Canada
An Intersectional Approach
By Leslie Nichols
418 PagesGender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies / Work and Labour / Labour Studies / Sociology of Work and Labour
Workplace Wellness
Issues and Responses
By Rick Csiernik
392 PagesLabour Studies / Social Work / Professional Practice / Sociology / Sociology of Work and Labour
Working in a Global Era, Second Edition
Canadian Perspectives
By Vivian Shalla
408 PagesLabour Studies / Political Science / Sociology / Sociology of Work and Labour
More Than It Seems
Learning through Household Work
By Margrit Eichler, Patrizia Albanese, Susan Ferguson, Nicky Hyndman, Lichun Willa Liu, Ann Matthews
282 PagesGender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies / Labour Studies / Motherhood and Parenting / Sociology / Sociology of Gender and Sexuality / Sociology of Work and Labour / Work and Labour
More than a Labour of Love – Women’s Press Classics
Three Generations of Women’s Work in the Home
By Meg Luxton
260 PagesGender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies / Motherhood and Parenting / Work and Labour / Labour Studies / Sociology / Sociology of Gender and Sexuality / Sociology of Work and Labour
Canadian Working-Class History, Third Edition
Selected Readings
By Laurel Sefton MacDowell, Ian Radforth
452 PagesCanadian Studies / History / Labour Studies / Sociology / Sociology of Work and Labour
Wellness and Work
Employee Assistance Programming in Canada
By Rick Csiernik
302 PagesHealth Studies / Health Policy / Health Promotion / Labour Studies / Social Work / Addictions, Health, and Mental Health / Counselling / Sociology / Sociology of Health / Sociology of Work and Labour

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If you are interested in publishing in the area of Sociology, please reach out to senior acquisitions editor Sarah Powell to get the conversation started.
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