
Queerly Canadian, Second Edition

In the second edition of this remarkable and comprehensive anthology, many of Canada's leading sexuality studies scholars examine the fundamental role that sexuality has played—and continues to play—in the building of our nation, and in our national narratives, myths, and anxieties about Canadian identity. Thoroughly updated, this new edition features twenty-six new chapters on topics including Indigenous kinship, Blackness, masculinity, disability, queer resistance, and sex education. Covering both historical and contemporary perspectives on nation and community, law and criminal justice, organizing and activism, health and medicine, education, marriage and family, sport, and popular culture and representation, the essays also take a strong intersectional approach, integrating analyses of race, class, and gender. This interdisciplinary collection is essential for the Canadian sexuality studies classroom, and for anyone interested in the mythologies and realities of queer life in Canada. FEATURES
  • sixty percent new and expanded content with twenty-six new chapters
  • thoroughly updated to reflect a strong emphasis on the diversity of queer experiences and identities in Canada
  • each chapter includes a brief introduction, written for this collection by the author, that provides helpful context about their work for both students and teachers

Canadian Society in the Twenty-First Century, Fourth Edition

Now in its fourth edition, Canadian Society in the Twenty-First Century examines Canada’s development and current circumstances in a socio-historical framework. This foundational text encourages students to consider some of the tough questions Canadian citizens are likely to face in adjusting to the demands and challenges of life in the twenty-first century. Divided into three sections, the text investigates economic, political, cultural, and ideological perspectives through three main relationships: Canada and Quebec, Canada and the United States, and Canada and Indigenous Peoples. Each of these sections deals with large issues impacting all societies in the early 21st century: nationalism, neo-liberalism, and cultural values of social solidarity that persist, despite modernity. The final chapter revisits the importance of socio-historical methods, the roles of state and markets, and sociological theory in a wider context, ending with a look at the sociological implications of the global pandemic. Exploring the unique character of modern Canadian society, this is a vibrant introductory resource for sociology courses on Canadian society, as well as undergraduate courses in Canadian studies and Canadian history across North America. FEATURES
  • features updated statistics and data that reflect current scholarship in the field and new discussions on issues such as the current crisis of neo-liberal globalization, Canada’s petroleum industry, global warming, the Wet’suwet’en dispute in 2020, and the COVID-19 pandemic
  • includes annotated lists of recommended readings, videos, and websites, critical thinking questions, and a newly added glossary
  • integrates sociological concepts in an accessible and engaging way to help students understand the foundations of contemporary Canadian society

Women and Popular Culture in Canada

The first book of its kind, this volume explores women and non-binary people in popular culture in Canada, with a focus on intersectional analysis of settler colonialism, race, white privilege, ability, and queer representations and experiences in diverse media. The chapters include discussions of film, television, videogames, music, and performance, as well as political events, journalism, social media, fandom, and activism. Throughout this collection, readers are encouraged to think carefully about the role women play in the cultural landscape in Canada as active viewers, creators, and participants. Covering a wide range of topics from historical perspectives to recent events, media, and technologies, this collection acts as an introduction, an archive, and a continuing commitment to lifting the voices and stories of women and popular culture in Canada. This book is a must-read for gender studies and media studies courses that focus on popular culture, Canadian feminism, and Canadian media. FEATURES
  • includes questions for critical thought that stimulate discussion
  • focuses on intersections of race, gender, ability, and sexuality
  • provides contemporary Canadian content from an interdisciplinary and intersectional lens

La France

Premier ouvrage du genre, La France : histoire, société, culture s'efforce d'encourager les étudiants à adopter une perspective comparative et transculturelle qui leur permettra de réfléchir à leurs propres cultures tout en découvrant l'histoire, la société et la culture de la France. Edward Ousselin guide les étudiants à travers des sujets tels que les systèmes gouvernementaux, administratifs et juridiques de la Ve République; le rôle de l’Union européenne; le système éducatif français; la diversité religieuse et ethnique en France; la femme, le(s) féminisme(s) et les minorités sexuelles; le système de sécurité sociale; la culture littéraire et l’argot; et l’évolution des valeurs socioculturelles. Soulignant les similitudes et les différences socioculturelles entre la France, le Canada et les États-Unis, l’ouvrage présente des passages et des extraits informatifs tirés de textes authentiques dotés d’une réelle pertinence historique et culturelle, ainsi que des informations contextuelles sur des lieux, des événements et des personnages importants, intégrés tout au long des chapitres. Conçu pour les étudiants en fin de 1er cycle ou aux cycles supérieurs au Canada et aux États-Unis, ce texte sera une ressource essentielle pour les cours sur la société et la culture françaises. CARACTÉRISTIQUES
  • encourage les étudiants à adopter une perspective comparative et transculturelle
  • comprend des fonctionnalités pédagogiques telles que des liens vers des ressources en ligne, des questions d'activité pour stimuler les discussions en classe et des quiz à choix multiples
  • des suppléments contenant les réponses aux quiz sont disponibles pour les instructeurs

Gender and History

Canadian Society

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If you are interested in publishing in the area of History, please reach out to associate acquisitions editor James Bader to get the conversation started.

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