Social Gerontology in Canada introduces students to the key topics in social gerontology, a multi-disciplinary field concerned with the study of the social aspects of aging and older adults. This text provides an overview of key theories, policies, and topics, incorporating intersectional and strength-based approaches to aging studies. Strong learning features are included in each chapter, designed to be interactive and student friendly.
The textbook was written in close collaboration with undergraduate and graduate students, who contributed to the writing of the chapters, ensuring that they are accessible and readable. The chapters are concise and written in a conversational tone to appeal to all readers interested in social gerontology. The book is packed with pedagogical tools, and there is a focus on interactive and case-based learning to enhance real-world application and practical knowledge. Within each chapter, an intersectional lens including a strong focus on ethnic and gender diversity of older Canadians is included, and each chapter also features a “gerontology in practice” textbox that explains how the material covered in the chapter can be applied to real life.
Social Gerontology in Canada is intended for sociology, gerontology, aging studies, social work, and health studies programs within universities and colleges in Canada that take a social sciences/sociological approach to aging and gerontology.
Written in a concise and conversational tone with the explicit aim to match the reading level of undergraduate students and arm them with practical learning takeaways
Emphasizes positive aspects of aging and challenges prevalent ageist assumptions
Pedagogical features include expected learning outcomes, questions for critical thought, additional resources, glossaries, additional resources, boxed inserts, pause and reflect boxes, and figures, charts, and tables
Instructor resources include PowerPoints and sample test questions
Public health nurses are integral to advocating for, supporting, and maintaining the health of the population. Public Health Nursing in Canada teaches nurses how to engage in upstream thinking from a community and population health perspective in order to address clients on individual, family, group, community, population, and system levels. This text offers a comprehensive approach that includes communication, program planning, implementation, and evaluation in addition to policy, standards, and ethics.
Integral skills and knowledge—such as leadership in public health nursing, anti-racism and anti-oppressive practice, Indigenous public health, community and population health assessments, family health, health education, mental health, planetary health, and more—are explored through real world applications. Each chapter includes practice stories as well as critical thinking questions similar to those found in the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to aid nursing students in preparation for certification.
Public Health Nursing in Canada serves as a broad and inclusive competency-based resource for undergraduate and graduate nursing students as well as nurses entering public health practice in Canada.
A broad and inclusive resource offering nursing students and practitioners of any year and experience level a foundation for public health nursing in Canada
Includes pedagogical features such as boxed features, practice stories, infographics, critical thinking questions, end-of-chapter summaries, a glossary, and an index
Instructor resources include an instructor’s manual with recommended websites and tools, links to podcasts, video, YouTube resources, additional readings, small group and classroom activities, online interactive modules, virtual simulation, NCLEX-style questions with answers, and PowerPoint slides
Health Promotion in Canada offers a comprehensive profile of the history, current landscape, and future directions of health promotion in Canada. Emphasizing the links between theory, research, policy, and practice, this engaging series draws on concrete Canadian examples that bring the concepts and content to life and introduces new perspectives on critical issues such as 2S/LGBTQIA+ health, planetary health, climate justice, and community-centered approaches to resilience.
This new edition continues the critical approach of the previous four editions while offering an in-depth analysis of recent developments and innovative approaches in health promotion along with explorations of topical issues. With 20 new chapters, this edited collection contains contributions by prominent Canadian academics, researchers, and practitioners, reflecting a commitment to advancing well-being in a rapidly changing world while addressing the pressing challenges and opportunities shaping the field today. The fifth edition also offers fresh insights on topics such as the post-COVID health landscape, Indigenous health promotion, and mental health as well as updated discussions on health equity, digital health.
Featuring learning objectives, case studies, thought-provoking discussion questions, resources for further study, and accompanying supplementary resources, this is an ideal textbook for courses in public health, health promotion and education, health sciences, nursing, and related disciplines.
Thoroughly updated edition with 20 new chapters, including chapters on the role of Indigenous epistemology and methodology in health promotion, and ways in which health promotion can acknowledge the Report from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Explores the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health promotion landscape
Robust pedagogical features include thought-provoking discussion questions, resources for further study, and supplemental resources
Debating Health Care Ethics, Third Edition explores contemporary moral challenges in health care through a unique debate format, providing students with the essential tools to understand and critically evaluate the leading arguments in the field and to develop their own arguments on important moral problems in health care. The first three chapters explore the nature of arguments, philosophical methodology, and a range of leading normative ethical theories. The remaining chapters introduce students to moral problems in health care through dramas that feature complex scenarios involving patients, family members, and health care providers. Each drama is followed by a lively debate where the authors consider and evaluate rival arguments concerning the moral issues raised by the drama. The dramas encourage students to start thinking about ethical issues in health care. The debates then demonstrate how arguments are developed and criticized. These debates also encourage students to develop and defend their own arguments on these topics. This technique is more interactive and approachable than standard philosophical texts.
This third edition contains updated chapters and dramas that reflect recent changes in health care in Canada. One such change is to the chapter on euthanasia, which now includes a drama and a debate centred on the morality of legalizing Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). Other changes to the text are in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. These include updated chapters on the proper rules for prioritizing care in emergency situations (triage) and the moral limits of medical doctors’ administering unproven, alternative medications to patients who request them. The third edition also contains a drama and debate on autonomy and valid consent, and a drama and updated debate on the justice of a two-tier health care system, where one level of health care is available to all regardless of means, and another level of faster health care is available only to those with means.
Discussions of critical issues in health care from a Canadian perspective, while also examining the implications of international changes, such as the dissolution of Roe v. Wade in the United States
Provides students with the necessary background in arguments, philosophical methodology, and normative ethical theory
Real-life cases helping students to critically engage with important moral arguments and problems in health care
Pedagogically rich with learning objectives and review questions for each chapter, definition, background, technique, theory, and “up for discussion” questions boxes, along with new case boxes highlighting contemporary real-world examples of the issues
Instructor resources are available to ensure a smooth initial adoption of the text
If you are interested in publishing in the area of Health Studies, please reach out to senior acquisitions editor Sarah Powell to get the conversation started.
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