Health Studies

Social Gerontology in Canada

Social Gerontology in Canada introduces students to the key topics in social gerontology, a multi-disciplinary field concerned with the study of the social aspects of aging and older adults. This text provides an overview of key theories, policies, and topics, incorporating intersectional and strength-based approaches to aging studies. Strong learning features are included in each chapter, designed to be interactive and student friendly. The textbook was written in close collaboration with undergraduate and graduate students, who contributed to the writing of the chapters, ensuring that they are accessible and readable. The chapters are concise and written in a conversational tone to appeal to all readers interested in social gerontology. The book is packed with pedagogical tools, and there is a focus on interactive and case-based learning to enhance real-world application and practical knowledge. Within each chapter, an intersectional lens including a strong focus on ethnic and gender diversity of older Canadians is included, and each chapter also features a “gerontology in practice” textbox that explains how the material covered in the chapter can be applied to real life. Social Gerontology in Canada is intended for sociology, gerontology, aging studies, social work, and health studies programs within universities and colleges in Canada that take a social sciences/sociological approach to aging and gerontology. FEATURES
  • Written in a concise and conversational tone with the explicit aim to match the reading level of undergraduate students and arm them with practical learning takeaways
  • Emphasizes positive aspects of aging and challenges prevalent ageist assumptions
  • Pedagogical features include expected learning outcomes, questions for critical thought, additional resources, glossaries, additional resources, boxed inserts, pause and reflect boxes, and figures, charts, and tables
  • Instructor resources include PowerPoints and sample test questions

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