Initiation au monde des affaires offers an introduction to the world of business in a French and francophone context, designed to familiarize learners with a new set of content and language skills to prepare them to deal with the background information and the practices needed to conduct basic and more advanced business transactions in a French-speaking environment.
This text provides a solid economic context with the necessary background information on the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) and the European Union (EU) to equip learners with the business-specific content areas and the business practices needed to work in a French-speaking business setting, and to further develop language proficiency through reading comprehension practice, vocabulary building exercises, and a review of pertinent grammar points.
Each chapter includes reading comprehension activities, oral and written practice through a variety of tasks and exercises, vocabulary-building practice, and simulations to reflect the Diplôme de Français des Affaires (DFA) test format as follows: test, reading comprehension, correspondence, oral interview, and oral and written synthesis of professional/journalistic texts.
Initiation au monde des affaires is a well-suited text for third-year university French students as well as for courses on Business French and includes pedagogical feature such as chapter learning objectives and summaries, vocabulary integrated into the tasks, photos, and numerous exercises.
La francophonie en action is a revolutionary, four-volume textbook series utilizing the action-oriented approach (AOA) to learning French as a second or foreign language. The four core volumes are an immersive, complete language-learning system.
With a strong emphasis on the francophone world, including a much-needed focus on francophone and Indigenous Canada, this series covers multiple stages of French language learning (beginner, elementary, intermediate, and upper intermediate). The intended level of this first volume, B1 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference), is for courses guiding students from elementary to intermediate.
While employing a variety of individual, interactive, and collaborative activities, students will be encouraged to engage in a way that ensures agency over their language learning process by presenting clear and simple forms of language inclusive of all gender identities and by interacting in real-life situations presented in the text for an authentic and experiential twist to their learning. Each title within the series is divided into distinct stages that each focus on one of the core modes of communication: reception, production, interaction, and mediation. The modules guide students through a series of purposeful and practical activities that trigger successful learning of the French language while promoting the development of plurilingual and pluricultural competences. Activities can be implemented on or off campus, to accommodate programs that utilize either in-class or remote learning.
The series is accompanied by robust pedagogical features, including instructor supplements and a companion website, which contains audio and video materials, self-checking grammar exercises, and additional student activities for each volume. La francophonie en action is a complete solution for all departments offering a French Studies program at Canadian, American, or international university. Canadian programs will be excited to see a much-needed focus on francophone and Indigenous Canada while also exploring the varied global francophone world.
Instructors adopting La francophonie en action (B1) for their course will receive access to a Teacher’s Guide/Guide du professeur, which includes an introduction to the series and the methodological structure and approach of the book as well as a full answer key for all of the textbook activities. Contact your rep to view a supplement sample or request a download code.
Learn more about the companion website:
If you are interested in publishing in the area of French and Language Studies, please reach out to associate acquisitions editor James Bader to get the conversation started.
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